
Hello! I am codist!
I'm a 19 year old human person from Canada who had taught themselves programming by spending a little too much time on the internet.
I wouldn't really consider myself talented but I do know some things.
Most people know me for my programming skills, it's in my name after all! I know Python, Javascript, and a teeny bit of C++. But I am always looking to expand my knowledge in different programming languages.
In terms of game engines I know GDScript (Godot), GML (GameMaker), and I have tinkered around in C# (Unity) a little.
I make an attempt at creating art, but it is definitely not my strong suit. Although I have improved over the years, and if you want to see some of my stuff check out my Newgrounds page.
Awesome Facts
- My favorite video games include Super Mario 64, Celeste, Portal 2, and Undertale (no specific order)
- I am a dog person but am slowly being moved onto the fence after being sent 1000 cat gifs by a cough cough certain user cough cough.
- I pick Mario in any Mario Party game.
Useful Links
Just a collection of links I find useful, and you might too!-
Clean and simple social media downloader. I highly recommend checking this out. -
A simple website that displays commonly used easing functions, and describes how to implement them. -
An short and easy to understand guide on changelogs.